Old Glory
Indigo IT
Cuisine Solutions

Year 2015: good tackle u13

Locations and Schedules / Fall Registration IS OPEN

Click here for our Rugby/Club FAQ's Click here to register

We kicked off our Fall Session on Saturday 7th in Great Falls. We are expanding our reach to include neighboring towns, and to make it easier for us to reach you we have one of our practices scheduled in Reston.

  • Tuesdays for TACKLE ONLY: at Baron Cameron #3, 11300 Baron Cameron Av., Reston VA 5:30-7:30pm
  • Thursdays for TAG & TACKLE: at Leo field behind the library, 9830 Georgetown Pike, GFalls: 5:30-7:30pm (Tackle) and 5:30-7pm (Tag)
  • Saturdays for TAG & TACKLE: practices at the Great Falls location, 2-4pm (Tackle) and 2:00-3:30 (Tag), unless there is a tournament (not yet scheduled).
The format for the Fall session will be 7-a-side. We close the Fall Session with our big MedStar Tournament on 17 Nov.

Our programs are open to all Players, Coaches and Referees. All age groups, U6 to High School, boys and girls. Rugby here is a year-round sport! The main focus is on the Spring Session, which is from January (pre-season) to mid-May. This is 15-a-side for Tackle players, and the usual FIT Touch for the Tag players.

We are still fully committed to the Fall and Summer Sessions, which will be more focused on 7-a-side rugby, teaching & specialized coaching, clinics, special guests, small tournaments and a lot of fun!

As always, rugby is FREE TO TRY, feel free to come on out to give it a go for a few practices. And no, it is NEVER TO LATE TO JOIN!

Go to the contact page to get on the mailing list, or send an email.



Tackle players are broken down into 3 groups. It is usually girls and boys separately, however, girls can play in the boys tackle teams if they so desire (except High School). TAG players can play up to u12 tackle.
u12, u14, u16/JV and High School


Tag/non-contact players are broken down into 3 groups. All age groups are Coed. Can play up to Tackle.
u6, u8, and u10

Questions: send an email

Rugby Year Time-Line at Great Falls/McLean

The rugby year runs from 1 Sept to 31 August the following year. We play year-round but the focus is on the SPRING SESSION. The rugby year is divided up as follows:

  • Early September: Fall pre-season
  • September - end November: Fall Session
    FALL is 7's for Tackle and FIT Touch for TAG
  • December: Break
  • January: Spring pre-season
  • February - mid-May: Spring Session
    SPRING is 15's for Tackle and FIT Touch for TAG
  • Mid-May - end July: Summer Session
    SUMMER is 7's for Tackle and FIT Touch for TAG
  • August: Break

Year 2011: the initial pioneers having fun!